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Your strategic data insight partner

Formed in 2020, DURO Insight has got over a decade of experience in Machine Learning, Software, Communications and Risk Management. 

Exceptional Standards

We only work with clients that we believe DURO Insight can make a tangible difference too. We are experts in software and communication and want to work with you to drive your company forward. 


Bespoke Solutions 

Unlike our major competitors, we strive to offer each client unique propositions that provide them the most value. We don't offer a one size fits all dashboard/report and only offer services we believe will drive success. We also love working with SMEs/start-ups. 


Willing to grow and develop

As a lean and young company, we are always looking to expand our solutions to meet clients needs. In the past, this has led to us learning a number of new technologies and we always want to continue to learn and grow so that we can provide the very latest technology improvements to our clients. 


Cost efficient 

We strive to use our expertise in software to keep the solution as cost effective as possible. Competitors have bloated organisations we a large amount of this cost passed on to the client. At DURO Insight, our media monitoring software will always remain lean and efficent. 

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